Stuart Klipper

(b.1941; resides Minneapolis, MN)

Working extensively on United States panoramic landscapes, Stuart Klipper journeyed to Antarctica for these photographs, sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Extremely barren, these landscapes reflect states of being and, in Klipper’s words, the “placement of the human soul,” at once reflective and evocative.

Graduating with a degree in architecture and design from the University of Michigan (BA), Bronx native Klipper moved to Minnesota. Since then, his works have appeared nationally, including several shows at the Museum of Modern Art, NY, a photo essay in the Washington Post, and numerous corporate collections. A professor at Colorado College, Klipper has received multiple grants from the NEA as well as the Guggenheim, Bush, and McKnight Funds. His book, Bearing South: Antarctica at Sea, was published by the Press at Colorado College in 1991.